Art. no. 47410000
Art. no. 47432000
Art. no. 47412000
Art. no. 47010000
Art. no. 47030000
Art. no. 47070000
Art. no. 47442000
Art. no. 47210000
Colored surface finishes for design bathrooms
Discover AXOR FinishPlus: Hand-finished surfaces of exceptional robustness, durability and color depth, created by PVD technology.
HomePlaces of Origin: The manufacturing process behind wood
Find out where the unique wooden material plates for the AXOR MyEdition taps come from and how they are manufactured.
HomeContemporary industrial.
Characterized by exposed steel and brick walls, the AXOR ‘Contemporary Industrial’ bathroom concept offers a raw and authentic ‘loft’ look.
HomeA homely bathroom
What are the options for making a bathroom exceptionally homely? Get inspiration from AXOR to create a bathroom that is also a living space.
HomeElectronic mixers
Which electronic mixer is ideal for a luxury setting in the public sector? Elegant designer mixers with electronic control systems from AXOR.
HomeTakeshi Hosaka: the love2 house.
Acclaimed architect and professor Takeshi Hosaka speaks with AXOR about his Love2 micro-home in Tokyo and the Compact Luxury trend.
HomeFive-year guarantee as part of the company philosophy
AXOR offers end consumers a five-year voluntary manufacturer’s guarantee on its products. Find out more about the details and conditions.
HomeAntonio Citterio: Arte surfside miami.
World-renowned architect and designer Antonio Citterio talks with AXOR about Miami’s iconic new oceanfront residential property, Arte Surfside.
HomeWhitepaper part 1
The individualization megatrend
The new AXOR whitepaper examines the megatrend of individualization with a view to the bathroom—a space which, next to the bedroom, is likely the most intimate space in our homes.
HomeCompact luxury: the future of urban living.
As cities grow denser, urban luxury cannot be measured only in square meters. AXOR defines and explores Compact Luxury, the future of urban living.
HomeGretel and Hansel
Gretel and Hansel - A place of magic and respite in the Black Forest
HomeMatt Black. For Trend-Setters and Crowd-Pleasers alike.
Taking up a key trend in design and interior architecture, the Matt Black finish expresses a sleek, sophisticated statement in almost any bathroom decor.