Nestled in the foothills of Marostica, one of Northern- East Italyʼs best-preserved medieval towns, La Rosina inspires its guests through loving hospitality, tranquil ambience and delicious cuisine. The Upper Castle of Marostica and lush San Floriano valley serve as the backdrop for this century-old residence, which has become as much a part of the region as its surroundings. Italo-brazilian architect Ricardo Lunardon has succeeded in updating the rooms without sacrificing the hotelʼs charm. To bring modern elegance to the bathroom, he chose collections from AXOR. With this latest renovation, the hotel retains its status as a place for travelers to experience the authentic hospitality and cuisine of the Veneto. But today, large double sliding doors frame the foothills, private terraces showcase the sky, and AXOR serve as the “tocco finale”, the finishing touch.
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